Longevity Medicine

What you need is a doctor focused on prevention.

Longevity and Lifestyle Medicine focuses on the relationship between each patient and our team of providers. Time and attention dedicated to patients creates a healthcare environment that is founded on connection, communication and trust. Enhancing health and vitality through targeted interventions, personalized treatment plans, and innovative treatments. So much better than Family Medicine.

Every Monday at 5:00 we host a Medical Memberships Information Session in-person at our clinic to answer all your questions about our memberships.


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Personalized Health Interventions

Beta’s team of longevity and lifestyle medicine providers utilizes personalized approaches, considering an individual’s genetics, lifestyle, and health history to tailor interventions. This precision enhances treatment effectiveness, optimizing health outcomes for each person’s unique needs.


Prevents illness, promotes lifelong wellness.

Reduced Hospitalizations

Preventative medicine aims to reduce the need for hospitalizations by proactively managing health conditions. It emphasizes preventive care, reducing the likelihood of acute health crises that require intensive medical interventions.

Economic and Social Benefits

Longevity medicine contributes to alleviating the economic burden of age-related healthcare costs by reducing the prevalence of chronic diseases and associated healthcare expenses. Minimizing healthcare expenses by averting costly treatments associated with advanced diseases benefits all members of society.

Quality of Life

Longevity medicine isn’t solely focused on extending lifespan; it emphasizes maintaining a high quality of life as individuals age. By addressing age-related decline, it aims to promote vitality and well-being throughout a person’s lifetime.

Extended Healthspan

Longevity medicine aims to extend the period of healthy, active life by addressing aging-related issues. It focuses on interventions that not only prolong lifespan but also maintain physical and cognitive function, enabling individuals to enjoy more years in good health.

Disease Prevention and Delay

By targeting the mechanisms related to aging, longevity medicine seeks to prevent or delay age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular issues, and metabolic disorders. It employs innovative strategies to intervene at the root causes of these conditions, with the goal of reducing their impact or occurrence.


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*Based on membership type.


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Longevity Medicine

INTEGRATED SERVICES Longevity Medicine Book Now What you need is a doctor focused on prevention. Longevity and Lifestyle Medicine focuses on the relationship between each patient and our team of providers. Time and attention dedicated to patients creates a healthcare environment that is founded on connection, communication and trust. Enhancing health and vitality through targeted …

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